Advise on How to Lose Weight with a Personal Trainer

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Our advise on how to lose weight may not be as complicated as you might think. After all, we all need to start somewhere. So before you book a personal trainer or sign up to a gym membership, consider the following and you could start to lose weight in no time.

Drink Plenty of Water

It doesn’t take much to get started, in fact any personal trainer won’t be able to stress enough how important it is to drink the right amount of water.

Dehydration is accountable for 1 in 10 consultations regarding tiredness and fatigue. Just think how much more instant energy you’d have by swapping fizzy drinks for a bottle of water?

As well as having the energy to work out, it will help keep your mind focused too. Many of us simply forget to drink plenty of water, so even if it sounds daft, set yourself reminders to drink at regular intervals.

Eat the Right Food

It goes without saying that a healthy diet goes hand in hand with how to lose weight. Especially if you’re addicted to fast food in the evening, or the convenience of eating a pasty and packet of crisps at lunch.

However, weight loss and body toning is much more than just working out and healthy eating. It’s also down to when you have your meals, portion size and the right balance within those healthier options.

Have a Home Workout Routine

Of course a GYMGUYZ Personal Trainer will be there to offer advise and support with both your diet and in home personal training. However, it’s also good to have your own workout routine at the same time, or at least to a certain extent.

Don’t attempt anything you shouldn’t and always seek professional advise first, especially before trying anything too strenuous. However, if you’re looking to lose weight, the smaller things can make a big difference. Even if it’s just standing up to do the ironing when you normally grab a kitchen stool.

Weigh Yourself Correctly

Although we like to mix up our home training sessions a little to keep things interesting, there’s a lot to be said about consistency. Especially when it comes to weight loss and keeping track of your progress.

You don’t have to weigh yourself daily, as your weight loss can fluctuate. Just ensure if you’re weighing yourself once a week do it on the same day at the same time.

Take One Step at a Time

Remember, trying to lose weight can be a big deal, especially if you’re not used to looking after yourself properly. So take one step at a time, each achievement is relevant to the individual, so you shouldn’t expect huge results over night.

Eventually, with a personal trainer you can start to achieve anything. One day it may be focussing on how to lose weight, the next it might be that marathon you’ve always wanted to take part in. The important thing is to stay fit and healthy, know your limits and most of all, have fun along the way.

Lose Weight with a Personal Trainer

Here at GYMGUYZ Home Personal Training we offer mobile and in home workout sessions that can be carried out almost anywhere. Whether it’s a single session just to get you started, or a regular one on one personal training program to reach your desired weight.

Whatever your reasons to lose weight with a personal trainer, GYMGUYZ will help you achieve your goals. Our mobile personal trainers thrive on results, regardless of your initial weight, age, fitness levels or previous experience.
